Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Pint Glasses

Just in time for Christmas, we're proud to offer custom one-of-a-kind pint glasses - "Drink Beer and Carry On"!

Enjoy a pint of your favorite brew with this alcoholic parody of the classic British World War II propaganda poster "Keep Calm and Carry On".

"Keep Calm and Carry On" was a poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of World War II, intended to raise the morale of the British public under the threat of impending invasion. It was never used at the time but has since risen to pop culture icon status since the rediscovery of a cache of the posters in 2000.

This listing offers two 16 oz American style pint beer glasses (6" tall) with the royal crown logo and the "Drink Beer and Carry On" slogan etched on the glass. The perfect addition to your man cave or home pub.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Free Beer T-Shirts on Facebook! is on Facebook!

Become a fan of on Facebook and you could win a free beer t-shirt.

The rules are simple. Every week (nobody know when) we'll post a Beer Trivia question on our Facebook wall along with the prize to be had. The first fan to reply on the wall with the correct answer wins the prize up for grabs.

The contest begins November 1, 2010.

Click the "Like" button on our BrewerShirts Facebook page and win.

Toast Us On Facebook - like icon beer brewershirts

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Guinness Extra Stout Clone Recipe

Here's an easy recipe to brew your own version of Guinness Extra Stout. It's a partial mash extract recipe especially for beginning to mid-level brewers. Despite the name and reputation as a dark heavy beer, Guinness is actually very light, smooth, and lower in calories than most beers. Don't be afraid of the dark. Enjoy.

5 lb Dark Dry Malt Extract
3/4 lb Roasted Barley
1 lb Flaked Barley
1/4 lb Black Patent Malt
1/2 lb Pale 2-Row Malt
1 oz East Kent Goldings Hops
1 oz Target Hops
1 oz Irish Moss
1 pkg White Labs #WLP004 Irish Ale Yeast (best)
1 pkg Nottingham Dry Yeast (substitute)

Prior to your brew session, carefully read and follow the instructions on your yeast package to prepare it for use.


Fill your brewpot with 4-5 gallons of H20 (2/3 full depending on your size) and add the following:
  • 1 lb Flaked Barley

  • 3/4 lb Roasted Barley

  • 1/4 lb Black Patent Malt

  • 1/2 lb Pale 2-Row Malt

Steep the grains at 150 degrees for 45 min to 1 hour. Don't let your temperature get above 170 degrees. You're making "tea" not boiling soup (yet). I often tie the grains up in a nylon knee high stocking making them easy to remove after steeping.

Remove the grains and heat your pot up to boiling. Once you're up to temperature, adjust your heat to a nice rolling boil and let it go for about 10 minutes. This will release a lot of the oxygen and reduce your chance of a boilover later.

Add the following to your boil...
  • 5 lbs Dark Dry Malt Extract

  • 1 oz East Kent Goldings Hops

  • 1 oz Target Hops

Boil for 60 min. After 45 minutes add 1 oz Irish Moss.


Remove from heat. Cover. Let your wort stand until cool to room temperature or use a wort chiller.

Transfer to fermenter, add yeast and seal tightly with an airlock. Let ferment for 2-3 weeks.

The Home Brewer's Seal T-shirt
home brewer seal guinness beer tee shirthomebrewer seal guinness parody beer t-shirt

Get this and other Homebrew T-Shirts at

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Women Are Better Beer Tasters

Women, physiologically, have more refined senses of taste and smell than do men. This makes them perfectly adapted to the task of testing the quality and consistency of beer.

I'm officially jealous.

The Wall Street Journal published this fascinating article about the growth of women in the quality control departments at major breweries such as MillerCoors and Anheuser-Busch.

At first, I was jealous. I wanted to quit my job and run off and join the beer circus. Then I remembered that these tasters were working for MillerCoors - and that their tasting sessions were all about trying to ensure that this can of cold-filtered silver bullet Coors Light tastes exactly the same as that can of cold-filtered Coors Light.

They don't get to taste the wonderous variety of craft beers from such places as Sierra Nevada, Dogfish Head, Sam Adams, and the like.

Sigh, I can dream.

Read the article...
No Glass Ceiling for the Best Job in the Whole World

Beer TV - Discovery Channel announces a new show "Brewed"

This fall, beer enthusiasts can enjoy a weekly dose of the culture, history and variety of their favorite topic.

The Discovery Channel, the same folks who bring us such brilliant TV as "Mythbusters" and "Deadliest Catch", will air "Brewed", an exploration into the world beer.

Sam Calagione, the maverick brewer who owns the Dogfish Head Brewery (bows down - "We're not worthy. We're not worthy.") in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, has been tapped as the host.


Dogfish Head: The TV Show

Discovery Channel's New Beer Show

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beer at Starbucks?

The world is upside down. As a reaction to slumping sales in a down economy, Starbucks is trying something new - upscale beer and wine.

A pilot store in Seattle, Washington will sell premium beer and local wine (cash and carry, not serving on premises) to see if the coffee giant can keep it's hold on the upscale java market.

Read the full story...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Craft Beer Sales Rise

Last year, the Beer Institute reported that overall beer consumption was down by about 2 percent. So far this year, it's down even more.

Many young men are foregoing drinking in bars and instead taking their beer and going home.

This is good news for the craft beer industry, as those young men are choosing to drink better beers at home.

The one bright spot in the domestic beer market is craft beer produced by small independent microbreweries — names like Boston Brewing, Sierra Nevada and The Pike Brewing Co.

Craft beers are just a tiny piece of the overall beer market, but at a time when overall consumption has fallen, craft beer sales have risen. Sales were up about 7 percent last year — and appear to be doing as well or better this year.

Read the full story...

Now, if all those young men started brewing their own beer...

The Economics of Beer

Did you know?

Fifty-four percent of all American adults drink beer.

Montana has the highest rate beer consumption per capita in the country - nearly 43 gallons per person per year. Whoa.

Bud light is the number one selling beer in the industry with a 19.3% market share, practically double that of Heineken, Corona Extra, Busch and Keystone Light combined.

Read the full story...

Beer Sales Slump

The economy and high unemployment numbers are causing the unthinkable... a decline in beer sales. Long considered one of the most stable markets in the economy, beer sales are down 3-4 percent.

New customers, 21-30 year old males have been hit hard by the recession and unemployment, and as a result, aren't drinking as much beer. Harder hit are farmers who are facing barley surpluses as a result.

The bright spot is an uptick in sales for higher priced, high quality craft beers like Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, etc. Also, enjoying a resurgence are economy beers like Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Read the full story...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Home Brewer Seal T-Shirt

"The Brewer's Seal" is a great-looking t-shirt for the serious home brewer, classy and subtle. Tell the world how serious you are about beer.

Text on the shirt reads:
"Home Brewer Extraordinaire. I make hand crafted premium ales and lagers. Brewed with care and skill, my beer tastes awesome and is vastly superior to the watered-down corporate swill you drink."

Get the Brewer's Seal shirt exclusively at > > >

Monday, June 21, 2010

Beer is the Healthiest Alcoholic Drink

Three Cheers for Beer!

A new study claims that, drunk in moderation, beer has a relatively low calorific value compared to many other alcoholic drinks, and is “one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks around”.

According to the study, commissioned by The Beer Academy, the drink is a rich source of vitamins, fibre, minerals and antioxidants and has relatively low calorific value as compared to other alcoholic beverages. Beer lovers will be thrilled to learn that new research claims the popular beverage can benefit people’s health.

The research shows beer doesn’t contain any fat and that antioxidants and minerals which it contains, such as silicon, may actually lower the risk of osteoporosis.

Read the full story...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Homebrew T-Shirt of the Week

"Zymurgist," one of our most popular homebrew t-shirts is on sale this week for $12.99. White lettering on a navy blue shirt. Wear it with pride at your next brew club meeting or pub crawl.

Monday, February 1, 2010

St. Patrick's Day T-Shirts for Home Brewers and Beer Geeks

Beer geeks have a love-hate relationship with St. Patrick's Day. More often than not, St. Paddy's parties involve adding green food coloring to a keg of Bud Light and overconsumption to the point of face-down humiliation. Of course, it also can involve flashing and hooking up, which depending on your age and relationship status can be a good thing.

All this notwithstanding, we love St. Patrick's Day because it's an opportunity to reflect of the two greatest things Ireland has given us... Irish Stout and Irish Red. Grab a case one of these delicious beers and put the other drunken Erin-Go-Braless revelers to shame.
Irish Stout
Hats off to Guinness - one of the most recognized and best marketed beers in the world that is actually a good beer. Brilliant! Always satisfying. However, if you want to drink a better Irish Stout, lay your hands on a Beamish. You'll never go back. Murphy's is another good example of the style.
Irish Red
Yeah, yeah I order a Killians when I'm at my local TGIApplebeesBennigans, but U.S. brewed Killians is about as Irish as Sean Connery. A better pick would be a Smithwick, Murphy's or O'Hara's.
Green Beer Geek T-Shirts
Okay, you've picked your beer, now for the wardrobe. It is de rigeur that you wear a green t-shirt to any St Paddy's Day party. These are often of the "Kiss Me I'm Irish" or "Irish I Were Drunk" variety. But you don't have to go that route. Here are a selection of fine green tees for home brewers and beer geeks.
Your Beer Sucks
Simple. Arrogant. Green. "Your Beer Sucks - My Homebrew Tastes Better" This works even better if you're drinking a mug of your own Dry Stout.

Home Brewer Seal
This parody of the Guinness logo proclaims the following: Home Brewer Extraordinaire - I make hand crafted ales and lagers. Brewed with care and skill, my beer tastes awesome and is vastly superior to the watered-down corporate swill you drink.

Pilsner Rocks
"Pilsner" - rock and roll parody shirt, spells out one of the classic beer styles in classic AC/DC typeface.

Bubbly Beer Geek
Features "Brew Geek" with the word Beer spelled out with bubbling beer.

Can You Beer Me Now?
"Can You Beer Me Now?" Cell phone coverage parody for serious beer drinkers, home brewers and pub denizens.

Craft Brew Revolution
"Craft Brew Revolution" - because corporate beer sucks.

Zymurgy Definition
"Zymurgy - (zahy-mur-jee) noun - the branch of applied chemistry dealing with fermentation, as in beermaking, brewing, winemaking, the preparation of yeast, etc." A great shirt to explain to people just exactly what it is you do with all those chemicals in your basement.

Pour Favor
Pour Favor" t-shirt for draft beer lovers. Tap that keg and get a pint.

You can get all of these great Beer Geek t-shirts Only at, shirts and gear for homebrewers and beer snobs.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Classic Miller Lite Beer Commercials - Tastes Great Less Filling

"Tastes Great!" "Less Filling!" Although I can't really say much about the taste of Miller Lite, known way back when as Lite Beer from Miller, I loved the commercials. The ensemble of former athletes, comedians, pool sharks, and other rogues never failed to make me smile. Watching these commercials as a kid, got me interested in beer. Hey, I guess advertising really works.

The First Annual Miller Lite Board Meeting

The First Lite Beer Open

The First Lite Beer Softball Game

The First Lite Beer Bowling Tournament

The Great Pool Shoot Out

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Home Brewer T-Shirt

I love this new t-shirt. Design-wise, it has hints of a world famous stout, with a beige shield displaying a pint of stout with hops and barley.

The words "Home Brewer" across the center of the shield. Around the border of the shield are the words "I make hand-crafted ales and lagers." In the lower portion of the shield "Brewed with care and skill, my beer tastes awesome and is vastly superior to the watered-down corporate swill you drink."

Get it now at!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Home Brewing Beer = Automatic Man Card Points

I hang out with a bunch of "car" guys. They're into classics: Shelby Cobras, Triumph Spitfires, Ferraris, that sort of thing. They break down cars, build engines and take their machines down to a nearby road track to race them. At least two of these guys have full-on garages, complete with lifts and multiple bays.

Personally, I'm not that into cars. Don't get me wrong. I can respect the power of a V8 and all that but I'm not going to be able to disassemble, deconstruct and rebuild my engine, I'm just interested in making sure the darned thing starts when I want it to.

Our weekly gatherings inevitably end up with half the guys out in the garage examining parts while the rest of us prop up the keg. And that's okay. It has introduced me to "Top Gear", the hilarious BBC show hosted by three gearheads who do unusual stunts and tricks with cars and car culture.

One evening, discussion among the group turned toward manly things and the inevitable challenges to the status one's "man card". Is Formula One manlier than NFL Monday Night Football? Baking cookies did not cut the mustard. Racing cars. Running a business. Building houses. Fixing household problems without calling a repair guy. Illegal file sharing. Siring offspring. Barbecue (not grilling, I mean smoking meat of a charcoal pit). That kind of thing counted.

Then it was my turn. Before I could say anything, a voice from the other side of the room chimed in, "Dude, Dave brews beer." They all nodded, grunted and raised their glasses.

Yes. I brew beer. It's my contribution to the group, no, it's my contribution to society.

When the economy collapses and social order breaks down, my ability to turn water and grain into beer ensures me a revered place in the loosely assembled mob of survivors. So I got that going for me.

Contribution to Society T-Shirt
"I brew beer. What's your contribution to society?"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beer Geek T-Shirt

Beer Geek T-ShirtAre you a beer geek?

Do you pontificate on the differences between traditional British India Pale Ales and the newer American IPAs?

Do you keep a beer journal?

Does vacation planning for you consist of researching the local microbreweries, brew pubs and beer festivals of your destination city?

If so, then you need the Bubbly Beer Geek t-shirt from for your collection.

This smart looking shirt expresses your affinity for and knowledge of great beer in big bold type, with the word "beer" formed out of bubbling beer.
Beer Geek t-shirt with bubbling beer text

This design is available in a variety of colors and sizes.

Other items available in Beer Bubble text include...
- Beer Snob shirts
- Home Brewer shirts
- Brew Master shirts
- Hop Head shirts

Get these and other great shirts for beer enthusiasts at

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA Clone Recipe

I am a big fan of the hoppy American-style India Pale Ales. This is my take on the amazing Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA. It's an easy recipe for even the novice homebrewer.

Steep for 50 min:
1/2 lb crystal malt
1/2 lb carapils

Bring to boil - 6 gallons H20

3 lbs amber dried malt extract

1 oz Warrior pellet hops - 1 pellet/minute for 60 min.

1/2 oz Amarillo pellet hops - 1 pellet/minute for 30 min

1/2 oz Simcoe pellet hops - 1 pellet/minute for 30 min

3 lbs amber dried malt extract - add at 15 min

1 oz Irish Moss at 15 min

Ferment - Safale US -05 dry yeast
2 weeks minimum - fermentation

Secondary Fermenter....
Dry Hop - 1/2 oz Simcoe pellet hops
Dry Hop - 1/2 oz Amarillo pellet hops

For extra flavor, I add skip the secondary fermentation and add the dry hop additions above directly into the keg. Place some glass marbles at the bottom of the keg. Then add your hop pellets to a nylon knee-high stocking (just a couple bucks for a 12 pack at the your local grocery story). Tie off the end and drop it in the keg. The marbles keep the stocking away from the end of the dip tube to avoid clogs.

"Humulus Lupulus" T-shirt for HopHeads
humulus lupulus hops craft beer tee shirtHumulus Lupulus Hops IPA T-shirt