Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beer at Starbucks?

The world is upside down. As a reaction to slumping sales in a down economy, Starbucks is trying something new - upscale beer and wine.

A pilot store in Seattle, Washington will sell premium beer and local wine (cash and carry, not serving on premises) to see if the coffee giant can keep it's hold on the upscale java market.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Craft Beer Sales Rise

Last year, the Beer Institute reported that overall beer consumption was down by about 2 percent. So far this year, it's down even more.

Many young men are foregoing drinking in bars and instead taking their beer and going home.

This is good news for the craft beer industry, as those young men are choosing to drink better beers at home.

The one bright spot in the domestic beer market is craft beer produced by small independent microbreweries — names like Boston Brewing, Sierra Nevada and The Pike Brewing Co.

Craft beers are just a tiny piece of the overall beer market, but at a time when overall consumption has fallen, craft beer sales have risen. Sales were up about 7 percent last year — and appear to be doing as well or better this year.

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Now, if all those young men started brewing their own beer...

The Economics of Beer

Did you know?

Fifty-four percent of all American adults drink beer.

Montana has the highest rate beer consumption per capita in the country - nearly 43 gallons per person per year. Whoa.

Bud light is the number one selling beer in the industry with a 19.3% market share, practically double that of Heineken, Corona Extra, Busch and Keystone Light combined.

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Beer Sales Slump

The economy and high unemployment numbers are causing the unthinkable... a decline in beer sales. Long considered one of the most stable markets in the economy, beer sales are down 3-4 percent.

New customers, 21-30 year old males have been hit hard by the recession and unemployment, and as a result, aren't drinking as much beer. Harder hit are farmers who are facing barley surpluses as a result.

The bright spot is an uptick in sales for higher priced, high quality craft beers like Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, etc. Also, enjoying a resurgence are economy beers like Pabst Blue Ribbon.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Home Brewer Seal T-Shirt

"The Brewer's Seal" is a great-looking t-shirt for the serious home brewer, classy and subtle. Tell the world how serious you are about beer.

Text on the shirt reads:
"Home Brewer Extraordinaire. I make hand crafted premium ales and lagers. Brewed with care and skill, my beer tastes awesome and is vastly superior to the watered-down corporate swill you drink."

Get the Brewer's Seal shirt exclusively at > > >

Monday, June 21, 2010

Beer is the Healthiest Alcoholic Drink

Three Cheers for Beer!

A new study claims that, drunk in moderation, beer has a relatively low calorific value compared to many other alcoholic drinks, and is “one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks around”.

According to the study, commissioned by The Beer Academy, the drink is a rich source of vitamins, fibre, minerals and antioxidants and has relatively low calorific value as compared to other alcoholic beverages. Beer lovers will be thrilled to learn that new research claims the popular beverage can benefit people’s health.

The research shows beer doesn’t contain any fat and that antioxidants and minerals which it contains, such as silicon, may actually lower the risk of osteoporosis.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Homebrew T-Shirt of the Week

"Zymurgist," one of our most popular homebrew t-shirts is on sale this week for $12.99. White lettering on a navy blue shirt. Wear it with pride at your next brew club meeting or pub crawl.