Saturday, February 20, 2010

Green Tee Blowout Sale

Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, we've slashed prices on green t-shirts. Choose from a selection of our best homebrew t-shirts and Irish beer drinking shirts in kelly green all for only $19.99.

Monday, February 1, 2010

St. Patrick's Day T-Shirts for Home Brewers and Beer Geeks

Beer geeks have a love-hate relationship with St. Patrick's Day. More often than not, St. Paddy's parties involve adding green food coloring to a keg of Bud Light and overconsumption to the point of face-down humiliation. Of course, it also can involve flashing and hooking up, which depending on your age and relationship status can be a good thing.

All this notwithstanding, we love St. Patrick's Day because it's an opportunity to reflect of the two greatest things Ireland has given us... Irish Stout and Irish Red. Grab a case one of these delicious beers and put the other drunken Erin-Go-Braless revelers to shame.
Irish Stout
Hats off to Guinness - one of the most recognized and best marketed beers in the world that is actually a good beer. Brilliant! Always satisfying. However, if you want to drink a better Irish Stout, lay your hands on a Beamish. You'll never go back. Murphy's is another good example of the style.
Irish Red
Yeah, yeah I order a Killians when I'm at my local TGIApplebeesBennigans, but U.S. brewed Killians is about as Irish as Sean Connery. A better pick would be a Smithwick, Murphy's or O'Hara's.
Green Beer Geek T-Shirts
Okay, you've picked your beer, now for the wardrobe. It is de rigeur that you wear a green t-shirt to any St Paddy's Day party. These are often of the "Kiss Me I'm Irish" or "Irish I Were Drunk" variety. But you don't have to go that route. Here are a selection of fine green tees for home brewers and beer geeks.
Your Beer Sucks
Simple. Arrogant. Green. "Your Beer Sucks - My Homebrew Tastes Better" This works even better if you're drinking a mug of your own Dry Stout.

Home Brewer Seal
This parody of the Guinness logo proclaims the following: Home Brewer Extraordinaire - I make hand crafted ales and lagers. Brewed with care and skill, my beer tastes awesome and is vastly superior to the watered-down corporate swill you drink.

Pilsner Rocks
"Pilsner" - rock and roll parody shirt, spells out one of the classic beer styles in classic AC/DC typeface.

Bubbly Beer Geek
Features "Brew Geek" with the word Beer spelled out with bubbling beer.

Can You Beer Me Now?
"Can You Beer Me Now?" Cell phone coverage parody for serious beer drinkers, home brewers and pub denizens.

Craft Brew Revolution
"Craft Brew Revolution" - because corporate beer sucks.

Zymurgy Definition
"Zymurgy - (zahy-mur-jee) noun - the branch of applied chemistry dealing with fermentation, as in beermaking, brewing, winemaking, the preparation of yeast, etc." A great shirt to explain to people just exactly what it is you do with all those chemicals in your basement.

Pour Favor
Pour Favor" t-shirt for draft beer lovers. Tap that keg and get a pint.

You can get all of these great Beer Geek t-shirts Only at, shirts and gear for homebrewers and beer snobs.