Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Home Brewing Beer = Automatic Man Card Points

I hang out with a bunch of "car" guys. They're into classics: Shelby Cobras, Triumph Spitfires, Ferraris, that sort of thing. They break down cars, build engines and take their machines down to a nearby road track to race them. At least two of these guys have full-on garages, complete with lifts and multiple bays.

Personally, I'm not that into cars. Don't get me wrong. I can respect the power of a V8 and all that but I'm not going to be able to disassemble, deconstruct and rebuild my engine, I'm just interested in making sure the darned thing starts when I want it to.

Our weekly gatherings inevitably end up with half the guys out in the garage examining parts while the rest of us prop up the keg. And that's okay. It has introduced me to "Top Gear", the hilarious BBC show hosted by three gearheads who do unusual stunts and tricks with cars and car culture.

One evening, discussion among the group turned toward manly things and the inevitable challenges to the status one's "man card". Is Formula One manlier than NFL Monday Night Football? Baking cookies did not cut the mustard. Racing cars. Running a business. Building houses. Fixing household problems without calling a repair guy. Illegal file sharing. Siring offspring. Barbecue (not grilling, I mean smoking meat of a charcoal pit). That kind of thing counted.

Then it was my turn. Before I could say anything, a voice from the other side of the room chimed in, "Dude, Dave brews beer." They all nodded, grunted and raised their glasses.

Yes. I brew beer. It's my contribution to the group, no, it's my contribution to society.

When the economy collapses and social order breaks down, my ability to turn water and grain into beer ensures me a revered place in the loosely assembled mob of survivors. So I got that going for me.

Contribution to Society T-Shirt
"I brew beer. What's your contribution to society?"

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